Girl Scout Cookies Weight Watchers

If you love Girl Scout Cookies you’re in luck cause with WW everything is on the table! Including milk for dipping. 🙂 

Girl Scout Cookies

When WW posted an image on Instagram about points for girl scout cookies the other day ago, it made me really happy. Why? I know that Girl Scouts will be selling cookies soon in certain stores or going door to door and 2. I’m still able to eat these in moderation while being on WW. WW really stresses the fact that you can eat anything you like while following their program and that is one thing I really like about their program. I'm still allowed to eat Girl Scout when they start selling them and remember to eat them in moderation. 

Enjoy your cookies and eat them too. 

Girl Scout cookies are typically sold from the end of January to April, they are not only delicious, but you are also helping out the next female entrepreneurs who sell these cookies. All the money raised from selling cookies stays within the program or they may use the money earned to fund a project they plan on starting for their community for a worthy cause. 

Girl Scout Cookie Points (for 2 cookies) 

Thin Mints Green 4, Blue 4, Purple 4

Trefoils (2 cookies) Green 2 , Blue 2, Purple 2 

Samoas (2 cookies) Green 7, Blue 7, Purple 7 

Do-si-dos (2 cookies) Green 4 , Blue 4 , Purple 4 

Tagalongs (2 cookies) Green 6, Blue 6, Purple 6 

Thanks A Lot (2 cookies) Green 7, Blue 7, Purple 7 

S’mores (2 cookies) Green 7, Blue 7, Purple 7 

Toffee-tastic (2 cookies) Green 6, Blue 6, Purple 6 

Lemonades (2 cookies) Green 7, Blue 7, Purple 7 

I am not affiliated with WW formerly known as Weight Watchers in any way. I am just a member who likes to create WW recipes and share them with everyone. To calculate points for the recipes I use the recipe builder and for nutrition info I use my fitness pal. 

How does Weight Watchers work? 

Each recipe or food has a Smart Points value. This is calculated using calories, saturated fat, protein, and sugar. It is best to stay away from foods that are loaded with saturated fat and sugar on the plan because those foods are higher in points. When you register with Weight Watchers you are given a daily set of points to target based on your age, gender, height, and activity level. Think of it as an easier way to track your macros. 

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